Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Learning the Tarot pt.4

The Aces~

Now that we have a basic understand of the Major Arcana, we will move on to the Minor.

If you recall from Lesson 2 there are 4 suits in the Minor Arcana. Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. The suits are also numbered one (aces) through ten. Please refer to Lesson 2 for more information regarding each number and suit.

For this lesson we will start to cover the individual card meanings. I find the easiest way to do this is to break it down into sets of four. We will begin with the Aces, since they are number one.

The Ace of Pentacles~
This is a card many people love to see, as it usually indicates unexpected money coming to them. Or some type of material gain.
It also tells us to appreciate the good things in life.
This card brings new possibilities and tangible improvements.

When this card is pulled in a reading it can indicate an inheritance, promotion or a windfall of some type.
It could signify that the Universe and luck is on your side financially, and it's a good time to play the lottery.
In a love spread it means gifts given, perhaps even a ring is bought!

The reversed meaning of this card signifies loss of money, prosperity or tangible goods.
It could indicate that the person became too greedy with their material gains, and now it has been taken from them. (ahh, the rules of karma coming back to bite!)

The Ace of Swords~ 
This is a card of success or victory, especially after a time of strife in your life.

As we know from Lesson 2, swords deal with our mental affairs, and the Ace is no different. This card also indicates mental clarity and intellect. This cards also speaks of power and powerful ideas.

When we pull this card in a reading it usually indicates an "ah-ha" moment. Things snap into place! It signifies a new view or breakthrough. You have had enough strife and have figured out how to move forward. Nothing can stop you now. You are diligent, and have no problem using power and force if necessary.

The reversed meaning of this card signifies destructive behavior. Using to much force or pressure in the situation, and thus making it worse. The clarity you had in the upright position, gives way to clouded judgement.

The Ace of Wands~ 
Opportunities are knocking on your door, and this card is telling you to go ahead with them! Wave the wand and harness the power!.
The opportunities this card speaks of are usually of the creative nature, though it could indicate a new business venture as well.
Since this is also a card of new beginnings it may also signify a birth in the family.

When we pull this card in a reading it generally means the person is on the right path. Whatever new and inspiring ideas they may have are right with the Universe and should be encouraged.

The reversed meaning of this card signifies a time to stop and rethink. Time to stop and start over.

The Ace of Cups~
Just as the picture on this card signifies, your cup runneth over with good. Blessings, joy, good health and happiness are all around you.
And with this being an Ace, it also shows new beginnings. New friendships, jobs or relationships, as well as new spiritual development. It is the beginning of all things good.

When we pull this card in a reading it indicates a good place in the querent's life. Things are going good, or will soon be very good. They are on the right path, and are very blessed. Remind them to be grateful for all they have.

The reversed meaning of this card signifies being selfish with your blessings. Or perhaps the ego has gotten in the way. It can also indicate a fear of having to start over.

Now keep in mind that these are just basic meanings. When you are doing a reading your intuition will often tell you more than just this. The cards are very open to interpretation.

Just as we did with the Major Arcana, I would recommend writing down the meanings in a journal. Writing things down helps us remember things easier.

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